Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sudden Mischief

"Sudden Mischief" A Spenser novel by Robert B. Parker in which Susan asks Spenser to help her ex-husband by investigating the sexual harassment claims by four women made against him. Of course it ends up more complicated than that. 4*'s
Page 5
"I always assumed it would bother you," she said.
"I'm entirely fascinated with you," I said. "And what you are
is a result of what you were, including the other men."

Page 22
"The ability to understand doesn't automatically confer the ability to change."

Page 198
"This is the most excitement I had since that lemon scone," Hawk said.

Page 205
"That's something."
"I'm not sure it's worth dying for," I said.
"Most things aren't," Hawk said. "Why we don't do it more
"Yeah, well, let's try not to do it this time," I said.

Page 212
"You said I was the finest man you ever knew. Probably am. Most
of humanity isn't all that goddamned fine to begin with. I am
flawed. You are flawed. But we are not flawed beyond the allowable
limit. And our affection for each other is not flawed at all."
She had
stipped looking at the distance and was looking, for the first time, at
"And every day I have loved you," I said, "has been a

Page 296
"If I shot everybody I wanted to," I said, "I'd go broke buying

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